Local Service Business Case Study: NuView Lawn Pros

Published: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 | Tags: ArborSite, Lawn Care Case Study, Local Service Business

立博客户端app下载 and Aborgold have collaborated to introduce ArborSite, a groundbreaking product designed to automate local lead generation for lawn care, arborists, and landscaping companies. But what exactly is an ArborSite? It's a unique offering that includes semi-custom websites and tailored digital marketing services for businesses in the green industry. Discover how NuView Lawn Pros has thrived since launching their ArborSite. 


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“The frustration was akin to being stuck in a loop of dependency and inefficiency. It was like having a car but no control over the steering wheel.” - Matthew Gragg, Owner, NuView Lawn Pros  


The Challenge  

With Nashville’s highly competitive green industry market NuView knew they needed a website presence that would:  

  • Rank in local search results  
  • Capture a visitor's eye at the home page  
  • Clearly demonstrate their value proposition and differentiation from other companies  
  • Generate more leads 

Their current website was not only outdated, but the website framework was also too complicated for their staff to make even minor changes. 



ArborSite provided NuView with product features and service benefits designed to dramatically improve the company's organic digital marketing strategy.  

  • A new, modern, mobile-responsive, semi-custom industry-focused website.  
  • New, local SEO-optimized content based on NuView's service offerings and company needs.  
  • An easy-to-use website management platform so staff can add, edit, and monitor existing content.  
  • Monthly reporting metrics and analysis to help Matthew understand lead sources and marketing ROI.  
  • Seamless web forms integration into Arborgold Software so new estimate requests and contact forms would automatically queue up for sales to follow up. 



“With ArborSite, our website has never been better. We're receiving positive comments regularly and seeing an uptick in traffic. I'm now even considering expanding our content with blogs, something I had never thought possible before.” - Matthew Gragg 

  • 25% Increase Lead Conversions 
  • 120-day trends: 18% Organic website traffic increase month over month 


View the Full Case Study 


Struggling with local search visibility?

Schedule a complimentary website and marketing consultation with an ArborSite expert to view the product, ask questions, and determine whether it's the right fit for your green industry business. 


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Are you looking to increase revenue?
Need an easy to update website?

You can grow with Freedom Software.

Schedule a 15 minutes chat to discuss how 立博客户端app下载 fits within your organization.

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